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Don't Let Procrastination Take Over This Summer (Part 1) motivation procrastination productivity Jun 10, 2022

Have you been looking forward to the summer? Looking for a change of rhythm, travel, and less to deal with? We can't wait for summer to come and then a couple of months from now, we realized that we procrastinated and are behind schedule. The To-Do List of unfinished tasks becomes massively long....

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3 reasons why you shouldn't check your phone in the morning. productivity sleep stress management May 23, 2022

Do you find yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning? Getting the news, checking the emails, answering text messages, and then getting stuck on social media?

It is fairly common knowledge that being on your phone/screen late at night impacts your sleep. Today I will share why...

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Hack Your Happiness happiness May 16, 2022

We can create more happiness by doing certain things more often. Happiness is experienced when specific neurotransmitters are released in the brain. Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin are made in the brain and act as chemical messengers, communicating messages between nerve cells...

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Neurohacks for More Confidence vestibular system May 09, 2022

Has someone told you to just be more confident, to just think differently and it will come? You tried but it seemed very hard or didn't work in that moment? Confidence is a skill that can be learned. And like any skill, it does take some time and work.

Learning how to be confident...

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Your Eyes Impact Your Thinking brain-based drill May 02, 2022

I shared in a previous email the importance of vision training and the profound impact it has on how we function. The eyes are neurologically connected to the spine, the vestibular system (inner ear), and even the heart. Today, I like to share more details about peripheral vision, the vision that...

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How to Create Long-Term Happiness happiness Apr 18, 2022

Do feel truly happy? How do you know if you are living a happy life? Happiness is not simply a positive mood, it is a state of well-being and a sense of meaning and deep contentment in life. Happy people live with purpose and are congruent with their values. They find joy in their relationships,...

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This is really cool cutting edge science, the Glymphatic System gut health Apr 04, 2022

Ok, if you have been in my community for a while then you know that I love science and do my best to stay on top of the newest that's out there. In addition, I am always eager to learn strategies and drills that we can apply to create positive change. So today, let me introduce you to the...

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How to create your own opportunities Mar 28, 2022

There seem to be those people in life that are always at the right time at the right place. The ones that enjoy their job, have time for the activities they love and live their dream life fulfilled and with purpose. 

Fortunately, those people aren’t just lucky. They work on them...

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The Neuroscience of Letting Go Mar 21, 2022

Do you find yourself ruminating and obsessing about the past? About opportunities that slipped away, difficult relationships, the could have, should have, would have situations? All of the things you believed would have made you happier. You just can’t let go! You remain stuck in the...

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Headache and neck tightness: Eyes matter to the neck brain-based drill Mar 14, 2022

A couple of weeks ago I shared the importance of performing visual drills. Our eyes are extremely important to our brain regarding the survival mechanism. There are some complex neural wirings between the eyes, the midbrain (brainstem), and the suboccipital muscles, which are the muscles located...

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Why shifting your attitude can be challenging. happiness Mar 07, 2022

How we think or feel about someone or something is typically reflected in our behavior. It is defined as attitude. We can have a negative or positive attitude towards something. Interestingly, the various brain areas involved are differently connected in a negative attitude and a...

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Why you need to train this body system the most. visual system Feb 28, 2022


If you have followed me for a while then you've heard me talk about the eyes before. Why are the eyes important in so many ways? Let's go a little bit into functional neurology: The brain's sole purpose is to keep us alive. In order to do so, different body systems need to function well....

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