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Feel Less Stressed By Skipping The Phone In The Morning stress management Aug 01, 2021

Do you find yourself reaching for your phone first thing in the morning? I have done it and before I knew it, 45min went by. But there is more to this besides "wasting" time on your phone in the morning. Your brain is in a state of wakeful rest when you wake up. In this state, your brain produces...

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3 Benefits Why Everyone Should Own a Hand Held Massager Jul 19, 2021

Massage guns, also called percussion guns/massagers, are a great way to relax your muscles. I often get asked which one I would recommend. My response: the one that makes you feel better after using. Vibration massage is a sensory input to the brain and everybody will have a different response....

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5 Steps to Rock Consistency Jun 21, 2021

"Consistency is key." This is so true. The more consistent you do something, the more steadily you will move forward and successfully reach your goal. This common knowledge is not always common practice. Staying consistent can be harder than it sounds. Know that you are not alone if you struggle...

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3 Tips For Healthier Caffeine Consumption Jun 13, 2021

I love my cup of coffee in the afternoon and usually will not consume it after 2:30pm. Any time later and it will impact my sleep. Besides coffee, caffeine can also be found naturally in tea and chocolate. It is often added in synthetic form to medication, sodas, energy drinks, and energy bars.


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Fake it 'till you feel it! brain-based drill Jun 07, 2021

Smiling – even a fake smile – can have a positive impact on your mood. Activating facial muscles by smiling can trick your brain into happiness even when you are feeling down. Using your muscles to create a smile is a saved movement pattern that the brain associates with happiness....

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The Power of Positive Thinking Jun 01, 2021

Positive thinkers make the best out of a situation. They focus on what they can control and let go of what they can't control. Finding options to improve their situation is what they do very well. Thinking is correlated to emotions and both affect our brain chemistry and actions.

How to:

  1. Focus...
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The Most Important Step To Get Stuff Done motivation productivity May 05, 2021

If I would just feel a little bit more motivated and stick to it then I would get so much more done! I don't know what happen but I really should be able to get it done. I just need to focus harder. Have those thoughts crossed your mind? Well, you are not the only one.

Today I will share the...

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Simple Trick To Improve Your Well-Being! sleep Apr 26, 2021

You might have heard that digital screens emit blue light but did you know that blue light is not bad since it is an important component of our sunlight. We need blue light. But the blue light of a screen is not the full wave length like in the sun and too much can have a significant impact on...

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The Power of Chewing Apr 19, 2021

Have you ever thought about how many times you chew your food? How small does it break down in your mouth? I definitely had not until I learned more about the brain and gut function. Chewing can be a great habit if you want to loose weight and a powerful way to bring your health to new levels. I...

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When Lack Of Sleep Is Not The Cause Of Fatigue fatigue sleep vestibular system Feb 15, 2021

In this episode, I'm going to talk about fatigue and particularly the fatigue throughout the day. We know if you don't sleep well you're going to be tired the next day. That's pretty simple. Getting the right amount and good quality of sleep is important. The second component is nutrition....

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3 Ways You Need To Train Your Brain brain Jan 26, 2021

Your brain has the ability to learn and grow no matter what age. This process is called brain plasticity and only happens if you activate your brain on a consistent basis with new input.

If you want to train your brain for your overall health then you need to activate all areas of the brain.


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SLEEP IS NON-NEGOTIABLE sleep Jan 05, 2021

Sleep is non- negotiable

“Wahoo - weekend! I have to catch up on my sleep. I will sleep in since I didn’t get enough this past week.”

Well, that is what I thought for many years until I started studying the science of sleep. The possibility to catch up on sleep on the weekend is...

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