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The Journey Within: The Power Of Your Purpose

purpose Feb 06, 2023

A few years ago, I thought my own health issue diminished the fire of enjoying my professional work more. Little did I know that there was a whole lot more to explore which changed my life.

At the time, I realized that I wasn’t feeling fully fulfilled with the impact I made as a Neuro Sports Therapist. As I successfully helped many of my clients conquer their health issues through a brain-based approach - which they would have not gotten from traditional physical therapy – there was still something missing inside of me. I thought that my own health challenges and lack of sleep were the reason but that was only a small part of it.

As I started to explore what I could do to change my situation, I got exposed to new perspectives through High Performance Coaching and being part of incredible communities. Pretty quickly I realized what was really going on: I did not know my deeper purpose and had no greater mission anymore. I was just living day to day, and sometimes the main goal was to just get through the next day due to my health challenges.

I got to work on the journey of self-discovery which takes time and effort but is tremendously rewarding. Since then, I feel more driven, motivated, and fulfilled to levels that I never knew existed. In addition, it helped my health and sleep challenges get to new levels as well. Not surprising as I know the neuroscience behind it now.

Having a purpose means having a sense of direction and meaning in life, something that motivates and drives you as a person toward your goals and aspirations. It can be thought of as the reason for which a person exists and the reason why you get up in the morning. A sense of purpose can come from many sources, such as personal values, passions, beliefs, relationships, or a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Knowing your purpose is important because it gives direction and meaning to your life. It helps you make decisions, set goals, and prioritize your actions. It can help you navigate through life's challenges, and give you a sense of fulfillment and sense of identity. Having a sense of purpose increases motivation and leads to greater satisfaction, happiness, and well-being.

Steps to start exploring your purpose:

  1. Reflect on your values, interests, and passions
  2. Explore new experiences and activities
  3. Seek feedback from others and ask for their perceptions
  4. Keep an open mind and be willing to try new things
  5. Journal or meditate to gain clarity on thoughts and feelings
  6. Volunteer or give back to others
  7. Seek out mentorship or coaching
  8. Consider your strengths and what you are naturally good at
  9. Stay true to yourself and don't compare yourself to others
  10. Be more present in the moment and listen to your inner voice.

Ready to get on the journey to discover your purpose? Join my NeuroHP Community and/or sign up for a free discovery session with me to explore the power of Neuro HP Coaching.

Here is a little bit of neuroscience and ways in which having a purpose impacts the brain:

  • Activates reward centers: Having a sense of purpose can activate the brain's reward centers, releasing dopamine and other feel-good neurochemicals, which increase your motivation, energy, and well-being.
  • Supports cognitive function: Research has shown that individuals with a strong sense of purpose have better memory and executive function, possibly because their purpose provides direction and meaning for their experiences and activities.
  • Enhances resilience: A strong sense of purpose can enhance resilience and cope in the face of stress, adversity, and challenges. It provides a sense of direction, focus, and motivation, even in the face of setbacks.
  • Supports mental health: A sense of purpose can lower the feelings of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges by activating the area of the brain called the amygdala. It can provide a sense of meaning and fulfillment that can buffer against feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and boredom.
  • Shapes brain structure: Our sense of purpose can also shape the structure of our brains, influencing the growth and development of new brain cells and connections.
  • Enhances physical health: Research has found that individuals with a strong sense of purpose tend to have better physical health, including lower rates of chronic disease, fewer hospitalizations, and longer life expectancy.


Remember, finding one's purpose is a personal journey, and what is right for one person may not be right for another. It's important to take the time to explore, reflect, and make informed decisions that align with your values and goals.