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Be in the Top 16% of People That Turn New Year's Resolutions into Long-Term Success motivation Nov 28, 2022

The holiday season is the time of indulging in tasty feasts with yummy desserts - and then we realize it can't go on like that! With one week left of the year, New Year's resolutions are created, and come January 1st we are confident that we will be exercising, eating healthy, and controlling our...

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De-stress This Holiday Season stress management Nov 21, 2022

The holiday season is upon us. A season that can feel very stressful. The challenges in the parking lots are real, plans get changed last minute and family dinners don't turn out as anticipated. But wait, this is the season of giving thanks, giving back, and spreading cheer. It's...

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Why You Should Celebrate Yourself Every Day happiness motivation Nov 14, 2022

When was the last time you celebrated yourself? You may think of big events like your wedding, birthday, graduation, or a new job. Big celebrations are fun but are you also celebrating yourself daily? Small accomplishments, finishing a task you dreaded, or focusing on your health are examples of...

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Science-based Strategies to Adjust to Time Changes sleep Nov 07, 2022

Daylight savings time just ended in the US and most people may still feel the effects of it for a couple of days. As it is exciting to feel that we "gained" an hour, even a one-hour change has an impact on our circadian rhythm. The goal of the implementation of daylight savings time in the early...

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Best Breathing Drill to Calm Down brain-based drill stress management Nov 01, 2022

There are many beneficial breathing exercises but according to research cyclic sighing, also known as physiological sighing, has been shown to be the most effective for fast calming, sleep, and anxiety. It is a fantastic drill to reset the O2 and Co2 balance.

If you are feeling stressed or more...

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Stress Is Subjective Part 2 stress management Oct 24, 2022

Managing your energy is the best way to prevent the feeling of overwhelm and stress. As mentioned in Stress is Subjective Part 1 last week, stress is subjective, and therefore there isn't one specific strategy that works for everyone. Finding what strategy works best for you may take time. With...

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Stress Is Subjective Part 1 stress management Oct 17, 2022

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed sometimes and it feels like the people around you don't get it?

The key is: stress is subjective.

The threat can be real or imagined; it’s the perception of the threat that triggers the stress response. What feels as eustress to one person may be felt as...

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Small Changes Make Big Changes in Health and Well-Being brain-based drill Oct 10, 2022

Most of us are doing this action incorrectly 25,000 times per day: breathing. We take about 25,000 breaths per day, taking air in and letting it out. Not performing these incredible amounts of breaths, can have tremendous negative consequences for our health and well-being.

Proper breathing...

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When Stretching Doesn't Take Care of Your Neck Pain vestibular system Oct 04, 2022

Are you finding yourself annoyed with your neck discomfort? Are you trying to stretch here and there but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference?

Time to look at your issue from a brain-based approach  - let's use neurology as the guide. During this Thursday's NeuroHP Live Session,...

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Stop Negative Self-Talk to Reduce Stress motivation Sep 26, 2022

Is your glass half-empty or half full?

The way you think and talk to yourself can affect many areas of your life: health and well-being, relationships, productivity, and even finances. The way you talk to yourself has a tremendous impact on your emotions, confidence, anxiousness, and stress...

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'Weight Lifting' For the Respiratory Muscles brain-based drill sleep Sep 20, 2022

Whether you are lifting weights or not, this resistance training might benefit you in more ways than you'd ever expected. Respiratory Muscle Training is training the inhalation and exhalation muscles needed to breathe well. Most people think that only people with COPD and other chronic illnesses...

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Count Down to Calm brain-based drill Sep 12, 2022

Everyone feels a little anxious now and then. There are many ways to calm down the nervous system and one of them is the countdown technique. This exercise helps you shift your focus from the inner chatter to your surroundings. It can help to interrupt your present thought pattern and calm you...

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