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The Steps You Need To Feel Your Best Self And To Live To Your Fullest Potential

energy Jan 16, 2023

When was the last time that you felt energetic, and driven - on a mission? You got stuff done, the sky was the limit and you felt really good about yourself! Be honest.

Too often we end up going through the motions and not even realizing it. We are not running on all possible cylinders for the things that matter most to us. How are you? Are you feeling your best right now or could you do better?

Feeling your best self refers to a state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It means feeling healthy, confident, and content with oneself. When people feel their best, they have a positive outlook on life, feel energized, and be motivated to take on new challenges. It is a feeling of self-satisfaction, self-confidence, and self-actualization. It's a state where you are able to cope with stress, manage emotions and relationships, and achieve personal goals. The combination of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being lets us feel in balance and harmony, able to perform at our best.

Some ways to improve your overall well-being include eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, getting good quality and quantity of sleep, managing stress, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Additionally, practicing self-care, such as taking time for yourself, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and developing positive relationships with others can also help you feel your best.

If you're looking to feel your best self again, there are a few things you can try.

  • Start by identifying what may be causing you to feel less than your best. This could be anything from stress, lack of sleep, or unhealthy habits.
  • Once you've identified the cause, you can take steps to address it. For example, if stress is the issue, you can try to manage it through techniques like brain-based breathing drills, meditation, or journaling. Implementing science-based strategies and gaining clarity about yourself are additional tools that I cover with my clients.
  • Take care of your physical health. Make sure you're eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep.
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and make you feel good, whether it's reading, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones.
  • Practice self-care, such as taking time for yourself, pampering yourself, or doing something you enjoy.
  • Remember that feeling your best self is a journey, it takes time and effort. Be patient and kind to yourself. Contact me if you like to learn more about the NeuroHP Method and how it can help you to feel your best self again.

Living to one's fullest potential and feeling one's best self are related concepts, but they are not necessarily the same thing. Living to one's fullest potential refers to achieving one's goals, using one's talents and abilities to the best of one's ability, and making the most of one's opportunities. Feeling one's best self refers to having a positive sense of well-being and self-worth. While achieving one's potential can contribute to feeling one's best self, it is possible to achieve one's potential and still not feel one's best self, or to feel one's best self without having reached one's full potential.

Here are some steps you can take to live to your fullest potential:

  • Define your goals: Identify what you want to achieve in different areas of your life such as career, personal growth, relationships, health, and finance.
  • Create a plan: Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps. Set deadlines for yourself and create a plan to achieve your goals.
  • Take action: Take consistent and persistent action towards achieving your goals.
  • Stay positive: Believe in yourself, and surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you.
  • Learn and grow: Be open to new opportunities and experiences. Learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow and improve.
  • Be true to yourself: Stay true to your values, beliefs, and passions. Don't let others dictate your choices or tell you what you should or shouldn't do.
  • Balance: Work hard but also make time for leisure, relaxation, and self-care.

Remember that living to your fullest potential is a lifelong journey, it can be challenging at times but with the right mindset and approach, you can achieve it. If you like support and new perspectives on your journey then contact me to learn more about my NeuroHP Method and coaching service.