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Be in the Top 16% of People That Turn New Year's Resolutions into Long-Term Success

motivation Nov 28, 2022

The holiday season is the time of indulging in tasty feasts with yummy desserts - and then we realize it can't go on like that! With one week left of the year, New Year's resolutions are created, and come January 1st we are confident that we will be exercising, eating healthy, and controlling our temptations. 2-3 weeks into the year we start the excuses: "there was just not enough time to exercise today", "it would be rude not to eat that birthday cake at a friend's party", "the glass of wine will relax me today and tomorrow I will be "good" again". After that, the feeling of guilt due to failure sets in, and discontinuing the New Year's resolutions seems to be the best option to feel better about ourselves again.

Sounds familiar?

Most people blame their inconsistency on a lack of time, resources, or motivation. In fact, only 16% of people are able to follow their New Year's resolutions successfully turning them into long-term habits.

What are they doing differently?

  • They know their "WHY".
  • They set realistic resolutions/goals.
  • They break down their goals into smaller action steps.
  • They plan and schedule their actions.
  • They have an accountability system.
  • They review and track their process.
  • They are aware of negative self-talk and make necessary mindset shifts.