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What Is Really Holding You Back? procrastination Sep 05, 2022

"I can do that later, it needs to be the right time, I am not ready,..." Do you find all kinds of excuses why not to do what you need to do? Are you procrastinating?

After you catch yourself making excuses, congratulate yourself on the awareness! Being honest with yourself is the...

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Benefits of Juggling brain-based drill stress management Aug 29, 2022

Juggling is fun and beneficial. It doesn't matter what and how many objects you juggle to get the brain benefits (see some benefits below). Start with one object like a ball or juggling scarf and when it gets too easy add one more object. When you can juggle three balls, I often recommend...

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How the Eyes Impact Your Posture Aug 22, 2022

When I mentioned the word posture - people straighten their spine and try to show themelves standing with their best posture. Most people believe that good posture requires just well-functioning muscles, but did you know that your posture is influenced by your eyes? The eyes are neurologically...

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This Habit Can Improve Your Sleep sleep Aug 15, 2022

Our brain and body function in the circadian rhythms, which are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. Exposure to more light during the day and less light at night is critical in calibrating the body’s internal “circadian” clock and is...

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The big pitfall of focus that I have fallen into. productivity Aug 08, 2022

The Pitfall of Multitasking

Are you a multitasker? I have fallen into the trap of thinking that I can do it - I can multitask effectively! Truth is, only about 2.5% of people can multitask effectively and I don't think that I fall into that category. Most of the time, we do not truly multitask...

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Improve your focus with these supercharge tips. productivity Aug 01, 2022

Do you find yourself distracted and not getting your tasks done? Maybe you are using "summer time" as an excuse? Here are some supercharge tips to focus better.

Eliminate Distractions: Identify what distracts you and cut it out. If you pick up your phone too many times then turn it off....

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The unknown benefit of movement productivity Jul 18, 2022

Humans are built to move. We often think that movement is just important for our muscles, joints, heart, and to lose weight, when in fact it has a lot more benefits. Movement stimulates the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for focus, concentration, planning, and organization. It stimulates...

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Learn why music is beneficial and tips for safe listening. Jul 11, 2022

Do you love to listen to music? Do you use it to energize and get in a good mood or sometimes use it to calm down and relax? Here is some interesting information about music and the brain: listening to music activates almost all areas of the brain. Therefore it can have a variety of benefits.


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5 signs that you need to take a break from social media happiness Jul 04, 2022

There is no denying that social media is a big part of our world today. It keeps us connected, informed, and can be educational. On the downside, there have been many studies that show that it triggers more depression, loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Just taking a week off has been...

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Become a rock star of implementation. habit & routine Jun 27, 2022

'Common knowledge is not common practice" -  that's right, we all know what to do but we still don't do it (including me). We know that we shouldn't be on the screen that long, shouldn't eat that extra donut, should have gone to bed earlier, should have done that workout that we had planned...

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The Power Of Breathing Through One Nostril brain-based drill Jun 21, 2022

Have you tried alternate nostrils or just single nostrils breathing before? Alternate nostrils breathing is a breath control practice in yoga and meditation but it is also a great practice to add to any daily routine.

Alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana or "balanced...

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How do you know that you are procrastinating? (Part 2) motivation procrastination productivity Jun 13, 2022

Last week, I talked about procrastination and how to avoid it. Did you check in with yourself? Have you been procrastinating in some areas? In order to conquer and avoid procrastination, we first need to create awareness and recognize that we are procrastinating.

Procrastination is the act of...

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