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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Rewires Your Brain

brain Dec 26, 2022

2020 and 2021 forced us to slow down: traveling was shut down, we saw a lot fewer places and at times we barely left the house. We saw fewer people and connected less. When reflecting on 2022, how did you do with exploring, challenging yourself, and stepping out of your comfort zone? Stepping out of our comfort zone and exploring, seeing new things, and getting different perspectives allows us to learn and grow our brains. The brain uses neuroplasticity, the ability to reorganize and form new neural connections and pathways in response to learning and experiences. This activation is key for a healthy brain to be able to respond better to threats and cope with uncertain or unexpected situations. 

How much to challenge yourself and push yourself out of your comfort zone differs from person to person since each brain responds in its own way. You are the only one that can determine how much is right for you. Too much pushing will put your brain in a threat response, an alert state that possibly "shuts you down" resulting in extreme anxiety, and stress that impairs you physically and mentally. Not enough might make you feel demotivated, tired, and procrastinating.  The "right" amount of stepping out of the comfort zone does create a little uncomfortable feeling, a small amount of anxiety, and stress. That is ok - that's when the brain has to figure out ways to create those new neural connections that make itself grow.

Every time you step out of your comfort zone you will gain more clarity about yourself, and become more confident and courageous. It makes you resilient and gives you the ability to deal better with change and decision-making. Pushing yourself creates personal growth. You might discover that you are capable of more than you thought. (All the athletes know what I am talking about.)

If you are still in the pandemic comfortable mode, then make 2023 different for yourself. Identify your goals and plan one action that will push you out of your comfort zone and moves you forward to your goal.

If you already took on challenges in 2022 - good for you! Now is a good time to step it up and think of what you can do to challenge yourself more to reach your goals faster.


Ready to challenge yourself more?

JOIN the NeuroHP Kick-Off Challenge.


Make your 2023 different!