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This Mindset is the Foundation To Optimize Your Health and a Prerequisite For Happiness

happiness mindset Jan 22, 2023

Having a list of exercises does not change your current health issues. Doing the exercises, and integrating them into your daily life as habits is what will transition your health to the level you want. I worked as a Neuro Sports Therapist for more than 20 years giving my clients lists - of things they needed to do - but they only did it as long as they were in pain and as long as they had the accountability of having to face me in the next session. I care about my clients succeeding in the long term and I knew they needed more help. That's one reason why I became a personal high-performance coach, to support my clients make lifestyle changes from within. A huge shift happens when my clients adopt a personal accountability mindset. They become more productive and create healthier and happier lifestyles that last.

Adopting a personal accountability mindset is not just a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle but also a prerequisite for happiness. It's a choice to prioritize health and well-being as well as an expression of integrity and living in alignment with one's values and purpose. Great news, it is possible to adopt a personal accountability mindset by gaining clarity and implementing strategies.



Set clear goals and know why those goals are important to you. Know how reaching those goals will positively affect your life in the future. Stay committed to your values and your purpose.


Take ownership of your actions and decisions. Recognize that you are in control of your own choices and ta you are responsible for the result they produce. Take responsibility for your mistakes. Be honest with yourself and others. Be willing to accept the consequences of your actions. Instead of making excuses or blaming others for your failures, learn from them and use them as opportunities to grow and improve.


Identify negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, and shift them by reframing them to create positive self-talk. "I can't do this" can be reframed as " I still have to learn x" or ask yourself: "What is the next step that I can do?".


Plan in extra time just in case, assuming that everything could take longer than you think. Create a block schedule, a block of time when you focus on one specific task. Know what your schedule can handle and say 'no' more often.


Practice self-reflection and self-awareness. Take time to evaluate your thoughts and actions, and be honest with yourself about what you need to change in order to be more accountable. Don't be too hard on yourself and make sure to celebrate your accomplishments.


Oftentimes, it is helpful when you start a new habit to create better consistency by having an accountability partner. Share your goals and plans with someone that you trust.


Adopting a personal accountability mindset takes time and effort, but it can lead to greater personal responsibility, self-motivation, and achievement in all areas of your life.