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Utilize Brain Science And A 3-Step Process For A Powerful Personal Year Review

motivation productivity Dec 21, 2022

Do you sometimes wish you would have started something years prior if you would have known how powerful it is? I definitely have a few things that I would list and one of them is doing a review of the year. I did not start this habit until 3 years ago and wish I had started sooner. How could I miss out on so many benefits for higher productivity, better health, and more happiness?

Here is what I do:

  1. Be Present

I set aside time to be fully present. 

  1. Get Pen and Paper Out

I get a pen and paper out. Writing notes by hand activates the brain differently than typing on the computer. It has shown a higher learning effect and put you in a more positive mood rather than typing (Advantage of handwriting over typing on learning words. Read more).

  1. Set an Intention

Before I start, I set an intention. Thoughts are neural connections in our brain. Setting a positive intention activates positive neural pathways that we have created in the past. It sets the tone for what will come and reminds us to look at the challenging answers in a more positive way.

  1. Answer Questions

I evaluate different areas of my life such as relationships, health, business, and finances. Below is a 3 Step process of a few of the questions that I answer. You may add your own to personalize.

  1. Acknowledgment, Celebration, and Gratitude

In the end, I take one more look at my accomplishments and acknowledge the learning takeaway from the challenges. I take a moment and feel gratitude for where I am now. Ending on a positive note, celebrating oneself, and gratitude practice release chemicals in the brain known to enhance well-being and happiness.


3 Steps Process 

(I may apply these questions to each area of life)

Step 1: Take Inventory

Reminder: This is to gain clarity on the things that went well and the things that were challenging. It is not the time to judge yourself. Start your questions with What

  • What went really well this year?
  • What did I accomplish/finish? Make a list.
  • What did I not complete? Make a list.
  • What did I want to do but never started? 
  • What was very challenging?
  • What new skill did I learn?
  • What did I enjoy the most and with whom?
  • What was my favorite moment?
  • What was a very sad moment?
  • What did I do for myself? Remember, no self-judgment if you didn’t do anything.
  • What did not go as planned this year?
  • What habit did you do well? Which one could have been better?

Step 2: Analyze

Most of these questions are Why and How questions.

  • Why did I accomplish task x? 
  • Why did I not finish or started x?
  • How did I handle challenges? What did I do really well in the challenging situation and what could I have done differently to change the outcome?
  • How did I cope with a sad moment? What could I have done differently?
  • How did I handle unexpected situations? Think of a specific moment.
  • Why did do habit x so well and habit y seems to be so challenging?

Step 3: Move Forward

  • What do I need to do more of in the next year?
  • What could I do to have more happiness in my life moving forward?
  • What is one action that I need to take to improve my health/relationships/finances/business?
  • What are my goals next year?
  • What do I need to let go of/stop doing?

These are just a few questions to get started. Add more if you like. 


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