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Why You Should Celebrate Yourself Every Day

happiness motivation Nov 14, 2022

When was the last time you celebrated yourself? You may think of big events like your wedding, birthday, graduation, or a new job. Big celebrations are fun but are you also celebrating yourself daily? Small accomplishments, finishing a task you dreaded, or focusing on your health are examples of daily celebrations.

The brain is wired for rewards and celebrations are exceptional rewards. When we acknowledge our accomplishments the brain releases chemicals. These neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin) when released increase our happiness, focus, motivation, and thinking, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being to name a few.

Really a no-brainer to start celebrating yourself!

Ways to Celebrate Yourself

#1: Write Down Your Accomplishments

In the evening write down your accomplishments of the day. I write down three wins in my evening journal every day.

#2: Give Yourself a Break

Celebrate by giving yourself a break. Take a day off, and plan an outing or trip.

#3 Share Your Wins

Sharing your success is a double dose of chemical release. When we share with others, we connect and enjoy the moment of celebration on a deeper level.

#4 Plan Your Celebration

Plan your celebration ahead to increase your happiness. Research has shown that anticipating a positive event releases chemicals in the time leading up to it. The more frequently you think and feel excited about it the more happy hormone release.

#5 Be Kind To Yourself

Be kind to yourself. It is ok if things didn't turn out the way you may have planned. Give yourself a little slack and look at the glass 'half full". There is usually something that you did or attempted that you can give yourself credit for.