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Stop Negative Self-Talk to Reduce Stress

motivation Sep 26, 2022

Is your glass half-empty or half full?

The way you think and talk to yourself can affect many areas of your life: health and well-being, relationships, productivity, and even finances. The way you talk to yourself has a tremendous impact on your emotions, confidence, anxiousness, and stress level. Negative self-talk has an impact on our self-esteem, belief in our self-worth, and abilities.

Positive self-talk is an internal dialogue that makes us feel good about ourselves. We can use positive self-talk to think optimistically and feel motivated. Positive or negative self-talk is a habit that anyone can change. See the benefits of positive self-talk below.

Steps to shift to positive self-talk:

1. Identifying negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.

Examples of negative self-talk:

  • That is too difficult.
  • I can not do this.
  • I have always been this way.
  • I do not know anything.
  • I am a failure.

2. Shift your negative self-talk to a positive one by saying out loud:

Examples of positive self-talk:

  • It sounds challenging.  (Instead of: That is too difficult.)
  • I will try my best. (Instead of: I can not do this.)
  • I am open and ready for change. (Instead of: I have always been this way.)
  • I may not be perfect but I can learn anything. (Instead of: I do not know anything.)
  • I will do my best and will find out what I need to do to succeed. (Instead of: I am going to fail.)

3. Create habits:

Integrate into your morning and evening routine:

  • Gratitude practice.
  • Writing down your wins/accomplishments of the day.
  • Set positive intentions.
  • Identify how you would like to show up as your best self.

Benefits of Positive Self-Talk:

Every thought releases some type of chemical in the brain. Positive thoughts influence our serotonin levels. When serotonin levels are normal, we feel happy, calmer, and less anxious. We can better focus and feel more emotionally stable. There is a strong link between “positivity” and health.

A positive attitude improves outcomes:

  • life satisfaction across a spectrum of conditions—including traumatic brain injury, stroke, and brain tumors.
  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Better functioning immune system
  • Greater resistance to illnesses
  • Lower levels of pain
  • Better mental and physical well-being
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Better sleep quality and quantity
  • Better coping and reducing stress.