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Benefits of Juggling

brain-based drill stress management Aug 29, 2022

Juggling is fun and beneficial. It doesn't matter what and how many objects you juggle to get the brain benefits (see some benefits below). Start with one object like a ball or juggling scarf and when it gets too easy add one more object. When you can juggle three balls, I often recommend switching to three different kinds of balls (for example 2 tennis balls + 1 lacrosse ball) before going for 4 balls.

Here is a little instructional video:  Instruction to juggle for beginners


1. As you get better, try to juggle the balls lower

2. Try juggling scarves if balls are not your thing because you are spending more time picking up balls than having fun.

Benefits of Juggling:

 #1: Eye-Hand Coordination

Juggling requires the eyes and hands to coordinate. You train your eyes and you train your cerebellum (the brain part that coordinates movement). The eyes and the cerebellum are considered midline body structures that have a neurological connection to the spine.

#2: Pain Reduction

The cerebellum, a part of the brain that is involved in coordination, also plays a role in pain processing. It is always activated in painful events in healthy humans and in chronic pain patients. Juggling requires coordinating hand movements and activates the cerebellum and therefore may reduce pain. Since the cerebellum lies in the back of the scull at the top of the spine and directly influences the gamma fiber systems at the spinal cord level.

Bottom line: better functioning cerebellum = better spinal function = less pain

 #3: Relieves Stress

Juggling is a form of moving meditation. By focusing on an external target the brain will focus less on worries and anxiety that you may be experiencing.

#4: Changes in Gray and White Matter of the Brain

There have been studies that the brain matter changes with juggling unfortunately it doesn't last if you stop. Use it or lose it. Make juggling part of your routine to get the full benefits.