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Become a rock star of implementation.

habit & routine Jun 27, 2022

'Common knowledge is not common practice" -  that's right, we all know what to do but we still don't do it (including me). We know that we shouldn't be on the screen that long, shouldn't eat that extra donut, should have gone to bed earlier, should have done that workout that we had planned - we all have plenty shouldn't, and should haves on our list. Just because we know what we should and shouldn't do, it does not help us successfully execute it.

How can we be more successful? Raise necessity. Raising necessity is a habit that - if consistently implemented - will make us the rock star of implementation and action-taking.

Here is an example: When we are in pain, we do our prescribed exercises regularly. We can see and feel the necessity of doing it. As soon as the pain eases we tend to neglect the program from time to time - there is no urgency anymore. Just because we don't feel the pain as badly doesn't mean we don't need the exercises anymore. We still need them to get 100% healthy, become stronger, and as prevention. As the pain signal is not a necessity anymore, we need to create a new necessity - a new reason why we will perform the exercises. It could be that we want to participate in an activity that we love like golf, hiking, or surfing. It could be that there is a "benefit extension" - somebody else such as a spouse or child might benefit from us being at our best. Finding the reason why we need to do what we "should" is very individual.

Try the little exercises below by answering the questions for yourself.

Take a moment and think of something that you want to implement but have been off track.  


Why do I want to do this?

What are the benefits for me?

How will it make me feel when I do it consistently?

Who else benefits from me doing this?