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3 Ways You Need To Train Your Brain

brain Jan 26, 2021

Your brain has the ability to learn and grow no matter what age. This process is called brain plasticity and only happens if you activate your brain on a consistent basis with new input.

If you want to train your brain for your overall health then you need to activate all areas of the brain.

1. Memory and Cognitive Function

There are a lot of great apps available such as Brain HQ and Lumosity to train your memory, problem-solving capability, attention span, and thinking.

2. Movement

Movement involving all joints helps the brain to have a better map of where parts are in space. A better map helps you to perform better in sports, prevent injuries, and lets you be active well into your senior years.

3. Eyes and Vestibular (Inner Ear) System

The eyes and the inner ear are the most important areas for survival and are most often not trained. Even if you have perfect vision you need to train your eyes. The eyes have muscles and the nerves that innervate them originate in the brainstem. (See photo above: I am doing eye switches/saccades)

The eyes work together with the vestibular system, which also has a connection to the brainstem.

Both of these systems play an important role in spinal stability, sports performance, and daily activities. If your eyes and vestibular system are not functioning well they can be the cause of back and neck pain, overwhelming feelings, and stress.


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